Establishing the fallacy of goverment stimulus spending
"The stimulus is changing the trajectory of our economy." -- Joe Biden, September 3, 2009 Don Surber zooms in on the relevant portion of reality vs. hope-and-change. Obama and the Democratic Congress...
View ArticleGood Monday morning . . .
Nothing to see here. Move along. . . . and things are already getting interesting. ITEM: Obama throws the Dalai Lama and the entire country of Tibet under the bus (emphasis mine): In an attempt to gain...
View ArticleHow bad is the US job market?
Big Government offers this chart of unemployment trends in post-WW II recessions. Nice to see that the massive deficit spending on ‘stimulus’ has paid off so well. ..bruce w..
View ArticleDaily financial visualization
Wondering just where that $1.4 trillion deficit comes from? Veronique de Rugy over at the Corner at National Review Online presents the breakdown: To be sure, the recession caused lower than expected...
View ArticleFunny math from the White House — Colorado version
Much like Cash for Clunkers, but on a vaster scale, the Obama stimulus package is being revealed as a fraudulent failure. The Denver Post shows that the numbers here in Colorado just don’t add up: The...
View ArticleSo, how’s that trillion-dollar stimulus working out?
You know, the massive stimulus that was absolutely necessary to keep unemployment from rising above 8.0%? Kind of missed the target, didn’t it? Anyone want to guess what unemployment will be in...
View ArticleThe silence of the (liberal) sheep
(Hat tip to Blue Crab Boulevard.) I certainly remember Democrats and the mainstream media (the same thing, really) ranting about the millions of jobs lost under Bush, not to mention the climbing...
View ArticleHow’s that trillion-dollar stimulus working out?
Not so well, as it turns out (details over at Big Government). In the meantime, the Obama Administration continues to play games on “jobs created or saved”. ..bruce w..
View ArticleAvoiding Japan’s mistakes
Robert Samuelson is, in my opinion, one of the most level-headed and independent business/economics journalists around. I don’t always agree with him — but when I don’t, I strongly consider that I may...
View Article“The Gods of the Copybook Headings” illustrated
[Thanks to the links from Instapundit (Glenn Reynolds), Chaos Manor (Jerry Pournelle), and John C. Wright's Journal (John C. Wright -- what, you were expecting Karl Rove?). In fact, if you follow the...
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